What is Bitcoin Ordinal Art?
Think of a gold coin with artwork engraved on it. While the rare gold coin itself is only the value of 1 oz of gold, the art and story behind could potentially be priceless. This is essentially what a Bitcoin ordinal is, a Satoshi with its own unique value.
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NFT Original Screenplay ( 9TH RAIDER )
24 key images on single plate from the 9TH RAIDER MOVIE – Collection Name: “one second”
+plus 2 VIP Tickets to Q3 Space X Launch @ Kennedy Space Center of 9th Raider Artwork to the Moon Museum ( Lunaprise) Authenticated as [Lunaprise] Actual Moon Museum Twin Asset. — + Both Authenticated as [Lunaprise] Actual Moon Museum Twin Asset.
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This Bitcoin Ordinal Artifact will make history on the Moon.
Enscribed as well into a metallic plate sent to the Lunar Museum in Q3
Launched on Space X Falcon 9. Outlasting any book in the world with 1 billion years estimate storage on the moon time capsule.
Read about the mission below. The first time the USA landed on the moon since 1972 will now land this historic digital twin asset inscribed on the lunar plates and stored in a digital layer in the time capsule.
24 key images on single plate ( 9TH RAIDER )