
(a) Certified Lunar Metallic Nickel Disc Replica Sent to The Moon

Artist : Scott Page ( former Pink Floyd Band Member) plus collaborating artists including Lunar Records

Scott Page is an American musician, technologist and entrepreneur known for his saxophone and rhythm guitar work with Pink Floyd, Supertramp and Toto. He is also a prolific media executive, and founder of several media ventures including one with Quincy Jones.

Golden Mullet Whitepaper:


Min Reserve $2.0 million for Golden Mullet which includes 1:1 Bitcoin Ordinal P


10% royalty for life for entire collection and derivates based on 50 plus collaborating artists and over 100 NFTs each=5000 min NFT’s


Min Reserve $100,000 for physical and bitcoin Ordinal “Money”

Artist: To Be Announced


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